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  • Go outside. Modern life generally happens indoors. Standing up and walking around for five minutes every hour during the workday could lift your mood, combat lethargy without reducing focus and attention, and even dull hunger pangs, according to an instructive new study.

  • Talk to human beings, in person. Actual conversations take time. They complicate things. That’s why they’re so important.

  • Be generous. You can’t be generous to everybody but you can be generous to somebody. Any you will feel a lot better for it.

  • Have a plan. Plans aren’t necessarily for sticking to. It’s just that without them, all you can do is react. And that ain't good!

  • Go out on a limb. You don't have to risk a broken limb. But taking a risk on others can have big benefits, even tho you lose some of the time.

  • Avoid anecdoche - a conversation in which everyone is talking but nobody is listening.

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